Play Granny on Vampire Survivors




Granny is an online arcade horror game in which you must find your way out of Grandma's ancient rooms and passageways. Just be sure that spooky Granny doesn't find out since she doesn't like disobedient children. It will be difficult since the wicked grandmother has excellent hearing. As a result, if she hears you making a disturbance, she will hurry over. If you are caught by Granny or her traps, you'll miss a day and wake up in bed the following evening. Keep in mind that you only have five days to flee!

If you are looking for other scary adventures to be thrilled even more,, then be sure to check out our free and online horror game like Happy Wheels!

How To Play

Action = Escape, Move = WASD, Crouch/Stand = C, Hide/Unhide = R, Pickup/Interact = E, Drop = Space, Remove bear traps/Place/Use = F, Shoot = Left click, Spray = Left click.

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